Affecting change in your life is NOT easy. I’ve met people that have stayed exactly the same all the way into retirement because they prefer the known devil to the unknown possibility that change was offering them. And people don’t tell you that when you’re first getting started. They don’t talk about the struggle and the effort required to really make a go of it, which is really unfortunate.
Not because it it’s intimidating, but because sharing the reality of what it takes create lasting change could save so many blossoming souls both time and money.
Switching into the mindset that your future is in your own hands is intimidating, it’s true; but that doesn’t make it impossible. Far from it. The challenge of bringing your dreams into a reality is one of the most beautiful journeys you’ll ever experience. But, you don’t have to do it alone!
Motivation Vs. Intention
Another thing we don’t talk about enough is that motivation is not enough. Period. People all over the world wait to ‘feel like it’ when they’re claiming they want to make a change in life. As one of my good friends always says,
“Someday is not a real place in time, it’s an excuse to stay the same.”
So how do you, as a fresh journeyman, make yourself get tasks done on the days when you just don’t have the drive? You have zero motivation. This is where intention setting becomes SO important, both in your spiritual and your day-to-day life. (Because we all know, there’s little separation once you start walking your path.)
What does an ‘intention’ have to do with success? Everything. The word intention has been scooped up and diluted by all the industries out there trying to make a buck, so ‘let’s first clarify what we mean when we’re talking about your business:
- Remember the reason you started in the first place?
- What effect did you want to create in your life that lit the fire behind your eyes?
- What is the thing that keeps you up at night with dread that you want to change?
- Why are you still trudging forward when others may not understand why you keep going?
You see? You have intentions behind your actions, even if you don’t take the time to acknowledge them every day. You may not even realize they’re there!
But these intentions are what keeps you going past what you think you’re capable of to keep your business moving forward. It is your intentions that help you remember why you’re doing it, on the days when you ‘just don’t feel like it.’ Your intentions are what keep you moving, when your motivation is missing.
Your Intentions give you Accountability. And Accountability loves Company.
You remember that old saying, “misery loves company”? How about, “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”? Misery isn’t the only part of a person that likes to be in a community of like-minded folks.
Accountability thrives in a collaborative environment, because suddenly you’re not just accountable to yourself, you’re reporting to others that you respect and you don’t want to let them down. It’s a beautiful part of being human that we want so badly to earn the respect of others, that we will work our hardest to add to our community. Community and collaboration are two of the best bio hacks that no one ever talks about.
We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same – Carlos Castaneda
With Community comes Support.
Remember when we said you don’t have to do it alone? We meant it. Not only do you not have to, you shouldn’t try to. If we have learned anything in our years of helping businesses thrive, it’s the power of having a community in your corner. From the ability to have people check in on your progress or your emotional needs, all the way to taking tasks off your plate, community means that you are never truly alone in your dreams.
It is for this reason that we offer not only assistance with creating your Individualized Coaching Programs, but often create accountability groups you can join to make friends and find the support and accountability that help our clients go from surviving to thriving.
Not sure exactly what kind of support you need?